
Office Greening Plan

Therapeutic greenery that’s sure to uplift the office space

For employees and visitors alike, we provide a working environment that’s comforting and uplifting with our choice greenery. With proven benefits on improving mental health and Comfort Index, you can also expect a better flow of communication within the workplace. A plan to install plants supplementary to improving staff performance, we provide select foliage plants throughout the work environment.
*The number of installations is subject to change according to different plans. Our consultant will guide you regarding the best plan for your office space.

Reception Greening Plan

Put a smile on their face with greenery

The reception area is the face of the company. Implementing greenery at the entrance can instantly give a clean and environmental-friendly impression. Utilizing the space, installing large trees and shrubs reminiscent of the forest is sure to energize staff members and visitors alike, lifting their spirits high as they pass through.

Workspace Greening Plan

Heighten motivation and improve the flow of communication

Designed for office environments surrounded by OA equipment, this plan aims to reduce stress and improve communication within the workplace, ultimately increasing company productivity. Utilizing dead spaces to install our choice greenery, with plants in every corner of the office, you can expect a decrease in stress levels among staff members.

Conference Room/Cafeteria Greening Plan

A quality relaxation area is a treasure chest of quality ideas

Whether taking a breath in a relaxation area or enjoying your lunch at the cafeteria, quality rest is vital in revitalizing your energy in the workplace. Big ideas sprout in these moments. While linear our single pot plants have their place and time, we opt for plants with more volume to magnify the atmosphere of rejuvenation.

Hotel Greening Plan

The sincerest hospitality with greenery

In hotels where hospitality and the comfort of your guests come first, greenery is indispensable. From coordination that goes along with the spatial concept to impactful set designs, we provide a plan that brings out the best of the hotel. Further, natural movement, soft partition, and delicate privacy are tastefully realized with our choice plants and shrubs.

Restaurant Greening Plan

Helping your restaurant become the next “spot”

Arranging a selection of plants, we provide our choice greenery to soften the dining space atmosphere, bringing out the best of the restaurant. Not only will greenery improve the impression on customers, with a relaxing ambiance you are sure to have diners to stay longer and become regulars. Sanitation being a big concern, we have also prepared a maintenance plan specifically developed for restaurants.

Hotel Greening Plan

The sincerest hospitality with greenery

In hotels where hospitality and the comfort of your guests come first, greenery is indispensable. From coordination that goes along with the spatial concept to impactful set designs, we provide a plan that brings out the best of the hotel. Further, natural movement, soft partition, and delicate privacy are tastefully realized with our choice plants and shrubs.

Showroom Greening Plan

The perfect prop item for your best seller

Designed to accentuate the product/service on display in showrooms, our select greenery is the best prop item for the job. Not only shinning the light brighter on the product but our select plants and shrubs moisturize the atmosphere, and instinctually attract more customers to the showroom. Perfect for realizing natural pathways for show goers to navigate the showroom, we can provide different types and sizes of plants, and containers that best fit the theme.

Retail Commercial Space Plan

Bringing out the best of your shop, with small to large scale production design

Where brand reputation is at stake, paying close attention to every detail, we provide our best set of quality greenery to help elevate the brand's image while drawing and alluring more customers to the shop with our enticing plants and shrubs.

Medical/Welfare Facility Plan

Help improve patient’s mental care and relieve stress on the waiting area

Placement of foliage plants and our stress-relieving greenery in waiting areas not only help with the anxiety felt during waiting hours, but also bring color to often cold and monotonous medical facilities. Further, with plants having natural filtration and air purifying qualities, sanitation can be improved where it truly matters. Given the infrastructure unique to healthcare facilities, we provide a plan that does not obstruct the flow of saving lives but rather complements the floor plan.

Educational Facility Plan

Designing an environment for focused learning with greenery

Not only do foliage plants heal you, but they also possess the ability to heighten your focus and stimulate your brain. In a study, scientists have found that putting a plant nearby improved impressions of reliability and persuasiveness on a person. Greenery
bearing benefits around learning environments, we provide our choice plants and shrubs in different sizes and quantities, best suited for different types of learning environments.

Green Wall Plan

Using limited space efficiently with green walls

Green walls open the possibility of coordinating with greenery, traditionally plotted in areas point by point, now covering an entire area with absolute efficiency. A technology that frees office space while never missing out on the seasonal changes for greenery, green walls are living furniture. Naturally drawing attention from across the workplace, relaxation and eyestrain relief is only a glance away.